L’Arco di
Az. Agricola Fedrigo Luca
The Estate takes its name from a stone arch, called “Arco di Giove”,
well in sight on the road to Negrar (one of the seven historic Valpolicella counties)
and near the farmhouse where the Fedrigo family resided until a few years ago.
The arch, dating from 1500/1600, was one of a series of seven arches along
the hillside path near S. Vito di Negrar.
It is a name that awakens memories of the past for Luca Fedrigo, which he
has wanted to pass into the wines produced by him; Luca,
has worked for many years in a prestigious Valpolicella’s cellar, which must his experience and gratitude, it proposes like a young establishment but with an ancient hearth,
dynamic and well-based, able to offer a product that is unique for its origins and which retains all the traditions tied to Valpolicella.
Rosso del Veronese
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Valpolicella Classico Superiore
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Amarone Classico della Valpolicella
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Grappa di Vinaccia
di Amarone
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Recioto Classico della Valpolicella
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Where we Are
L'Arco is situated in the Classic Valpolicella zone, at S. Maria di Negrar
Via Strada Roverina, 1 - Verona - Italy

Visitors coming from the Milan-Venice turnpike (A4) should exit from the Verona Nord
exit and head towards San Pietro in Cariano following the signs for Negrar.
Those who come from the Brenner-Modena (A22) turnpike heading south towards Modena
should exit from the Affi exit and follow the signs for Verona - San Pietro in Cariano - Negrar.
To reach us from the Valerio Catullo airport follow the signs for Valpolicella
- San Pietro in Cariano - Negrar.
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